The Anatomy of Bipedalism is related to the exhibit How Are We Like Other Primates in the sense that humans are different from primates in some distinct ways. On the former exhibit, it tackled the ability of humans to walk upright on two feet. There are certain features of a humans anatomy which let us balance as we walk. Basically, some of the differences why we are considered bipedal primates are in the foramen magnum, the lumbar curve, the iliac blades, the femur, the knee joint, and the foot. These features help us to adapt well with bipedalism more than the other primates. In this sense, even though we have similarities alongside other species of this biological order such as the brain, the eyes, nasal structure, variety of teeth shapes, the retention of collar bone, hand features, and thumb location, we also have big differences which separates us from them, one of which is bipedalism.

Based on the exhibits, there is a general highlight of humans being bipedal primates as compared to others in the same order (i.e. apes). Since the second exhibit tackled the similarities and differences of humans against other primates, it made a clearer view of how bipedalism separates us from the others. Basically, the exhibit chosen highlighted the anatomical features of humans which relate us with other primates, but these anatomical characteristics along with modifications in anatomy greatly improved our movement from other types of motion to bipedalism. This obviously improved our walking ability for we are able to utilize it (i.e. hands) for other movements.

With the second exhibit, there is an explanation of why the change in walking of humans affected our evolution in terms of our survival. With this change in movement, we were able to carry food in long distances away from danger, and it also enabled us to use our free hands for doing other things such as creating tools and even using them. This change also made us do more complex task easier than other primates. The two exhibits highlighted the uniqueness of humans which is why we are considered superior than other primates.


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