Great Apes at the Risk of Extinction

Over the last decade, the continuous environmental degradation and consumption of man towards natural resources aggressively brought about considerable challenges related to the environment. It brought about adverse effects to the weather and continuously has limited the existence and growth of primates such as Great Apes. Seeing this, the challenge then of providing means towards implementing change correspond towards recognizing the ability of limiting exhaustion and applying sustainable policies in their respective environments. By equally collaborating towards these changes, it can help provide the appropriate mechanism to protect and safeguard these creatures from the fast-paced trends of human society.
Assessing the Risk
One crucial risk towards the survival and development of Great Apes correspond to the continued exhaustion of man towards these primates natural resources. This degradation associated alongside the corresponding challenges that these apes face stimulate their decline at a fast-paced rate. In essence, the capacity of man to abuse the environment has it corresponding impact in the whole of the ecosystem and disengaging these creatures from their natural habitat and limits their capacity to procreate (Caldecott, p. 217).
At the same time, the increasing population also creates problems for Great Apes as humans take their living space to be occupied and used as a source for both income and domestication. Such direction then provides limited opportunities for primates to co-exist with their human counterparts. These trends then became an essential catalyst for their continuing decline alongside the inability to respond effectively with the changing course of mans actions and endeavors for growth and development (Stoinski, Steklis and Mehlman, p. 285).
Apart from being taken out of their natural habitat, Great Apes are also subjected to violence and hunting in some societies. Here, poaching for their body parts remains to be a vital and lucrative trend especially in the black market. Seeing this, another reason for the constant decline among Great Apes is the demand for their life (Amman, p. 38). Such directions then indicate an alternative for livelihood and even to human sustenance because of the meat that these creatures have to offer.
What do Statistics Say
Given the potential threats of extinction among great apes, many studies and organizations have provided accounts of how low in numbers these creatures are. Though they may vary in the actual figures, the trend remains to be the same  every year continuous decline can be seen in the numbers of great apes either because of the destruction of their habitat or the constant pursuit for their life. For example, Great Ape Trust mentions that one species of gorilla (Gorilla b. Graueri) has considerably decreased in number and only accounts to only around 5000 (Great Ape Trust, p.1).
 Similarly, the trends then indicate that if humans do not act now, the numbers would considerably drop down to around 50. Such attribute towards the decline in Great Ape populations are associated with the changing environment brought about by climate change and their susceptibility towards disease and other illnesses (Miller and Spoolman, p. 110).

Assessing Opportunities for Change  Recognition
Seeing the increasing threats of the Great Apes survival, it calls for a collaborative responsibility among man in different sectors to establish patterns that can lead towards addressing the problem. Given the diversity of factors and the depth of this challenge, one essential principle that needs to be promoted revolves around the capacity to recognize the value of recognizing the patterns that affects Great Apes (Adams, p. 15). Here, it both corresponds to the value of addressing both short and long term initiatives to ensure sustainability and promote effective means for collaboration and sustenance of efforts.

Reinforcing Education   
Similarly, the same application then corresponds to the value of establishing education and learning patterns for individuals, groups, and society to consider. Here, the government and non-governmental sector must take a stand to educate and create new parameters for infusing appropriate strategies towards establishing new patterns of responsibility among these different sectors. By pointing out the corresponding roles that humans play towards the environment, it can help address the issue in a more effective way and apply not to only Great Apes but also to the whole process of protection and securing the environment (Miller and Spoolman, p. 115).

Enforcing Accountability and Responsibility
Another essential principle concerning exploring opportunities for change corresponds towards reinforcing methods and programs in-tune with ensuring accountability and responsibility. It promotes a specific purpose and encourages each individual to respond with the associated threats that these Great Apes are facing. These in turn becomes the crucial point in outlining transcendence of issues. Lacking these values would only result in a mere admission of the existing threats but without the necessary vision on what specific measures need to be undertaken to implement change and improvements to the degree of damage these creatures are facing everyday (Great Ape Trust, p.1). By reinforcing these two values then help create changes that permeate within the social system.

Promoting Legislation and Government Participation
Alongside the implementation of programs and initiatives, it is then crucial to highlight the role of the government in reinforcing and creating teeth to these processes. Here, collaboration with IGOs and NGOs can consolidate stricter mechanics and principles that seek to enrich the process of protection and pursuit of sustainable efforts. Here, governments need to realize that promoting these corresponds to the interests of the majority not those who only seek to deface the environment or lobby policies that are not conducive for the environment (Caldecott, p. 220). 
Similarly, governments also have the capacity to infuse participation by extending its advocacy in the protection of Great Apes. This corresponds to their ability to exercise social responsibility and promote endeavors that are comparatively congruent to the needs of society both present and the future. Such approach then infuses better means of becoming responsive to the needs of society and justifies both sustainability and responsibility. These directions can then further the possibilities available and cooperate with valuable organizations seeking the Great Apes protection (Great Ape Trust, p.1).
Overall, the threats concerning Great Apes continue to be apparent and grow at an alarming rate yearly. Here, different threats can be associated to its development. Seeing this, a collaborative effort must be taken by the government to alleviate the issue. Here, it will need the recognition, adjustments, and promotion of specific mandates in order to strike the balance of what these Great Apes need and the continuing essentials shaping human growth, development and sustenance. All these contribute towards fostering a more responsive and responsible approach in seeking to address todays diverse environmental problems.


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