
Genetics may be defined as study of inheritance or heredity and variation in plants and animals (living things). There are several ways through which understanding of genetics has altered the human history course. One of these ways is the agricultural revolution through genetic engineering. Genetics has played a key role in the field of science and in particular developing techniques of nutrition and selective breeding in agricultural production. For instance, the advent of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) led to not only increased food variety but also increased agricultural output to sustain the rapidly growing human population.  Still, researches based on genetics such as cross breeding andor genetic alterations has led to the development of highly productive, fast growing and maturing plants and animals that can withstand particular climates, a factor that ensured relatively steady supply of food.

In the medical field, understanding of genetics has enabled people and especially doctors to have more knowledge about sex-linked abnormalities and disorders such as hemophilia, known to be common in males than women and sex chromosomes, which are believed to occur due to chromosome mutations. Medical research genetics has played a key role in understanding and treatment of genetically linked medical disorders such as cancer and diabetes, which is has greatly helped contain these disorders and diseases. Stem cell research, closely tied to genetics could soon be used to provide cure for diseases such as cancer. Genetics has been a cornerstone for resolving historic controversies such as ethnic origins of groups of people as well as family lineage. Understanding genetics is also important since it has enabled doctors to be able to conduct a DNA test which can act as a proof in determining the real or biological father of a child. It has also enabled people to know about the blood group ABO and also the Rhesus factor, which can help in the process of blood transfusion.

These changes, which are mostly in the field of agriculture and medicine, have impact of medical, legal, social and ethical ramifications which have effect on everybody. For instance, a stem cell research on human beings has remained to be a highly controversial issue. Current system changes ought to be done with professional guidance and input from the medical community so as to ensure that patients benefit from the knowledge of working and professional experience on behalf of them since private and public healthcare policy is evolving for the new medicine accommodation. Professionals in the area of medicine are truly obliged in committing themselves and being involved to the changes of medical policy otherwise those professionals will be just vulnerable like the patients to these effects resulting from the changes in medicine practice.


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