Ethnocentrism and some tips on how to minimize it.

The ability of a community or individual to minimize ethnocentrism and its impacts is one of the key platforms towards greater cooperation, adherence to the existing laws, holistic contribution by all and eventual economic growth and development in a country.  Minimizing ethnocentrism has been referred as the main principle that could facilitate a new outline towards a highly democratic society at the local and national level.  Kornblum conclusion that the need to address ethnocentrism...

Book Review The Kirghiz and Wakhi of Afghanistan Adaptation to Closed Frontiers and War by M. Nazif Mohib Shahrani.

In the field of anthropology M. Nazif Mohib Shahranis book, The Kirghiz and Wakhi of Afghanistan Adaptation to Closed Frontiers and War is a comprehensive ethnography that competently explains some of the intricacies of the Afghan culture through an examination of two ethnicities, namely, the Kirghiz and the Wakhi. This book review explains the essence of Sharanis work and its importance for the field of anthropology.    Sharanis book is a good introduction to anthropology for a person...
Survival is one of the things organism work for in their existence. Each one of us have the desire to leave a part of ourselves in the worldto make our markso that we can tell ourselves that we have done something significant or there is some importance to our existence. This is why the ability to reproduce is also an important factor in our lives the capacity to pass on our traits, to make it fit enough to survive. Time, selection, and change are some of the components of evolution. In Darwins...

Gift Economy.

Gift economies have been present since the Stone Age. In modern times, with the advent of new economic structures such as communism and capitalism, certain characteristics from free economies are still in use. With free markets failing and a need for more controls needed, the state owned philosophy of running economies are becoming more and more popular. However, they too are not without setbacks and disadvantages when dealing with a global economy. With the reliance on plastic money and liquidity,...

Species Concept.

Theories and concepts largely influence the manner by which investigators will view or understand his or her surroundings (Wiley, 1978). More specifically, in scientific investigations, it is very crucial that an investigator or a researcher clings to reputable and empirically-concluded theories in order to come up with appropriate observations and research based conclusions (Wiley, 1978). The same concept holds true for the Evolutionary Biology wherein researchers are troubled by the formulation...

Globalization in China Challenges and Opportunities.

The world today is a global village, especially with the increasing need of people to interact through social, economic and political forums. The world faces challenges like terrorism and global warming, which can better be tackled through concerted efforts amongst nations. And some challenges that affect one country spill over to other countries across the globe, an example being the recent economic recession that began from the U.S. and affected the global economy. This makes it imperative for...

Rastafarian Belief System.

Little is known about the Rastafari movement. More often than not, the term Rasta is associated with dreadlocks and ganja (marijuana) burning. However, more than these impressions Rastafari have strong religious and sociopolitical underpinnings that are recognized worldwide.Rastafari emerged from the slums of Kingston in Jamaica during 1920s and 1930s. In an environment that is characterized by great poverty, depression, class discrimination and racism, Rasta clearly served as the message of black...

Application to Optimal Foraging Theory to Real-Life Eating Decision.

Optimal foraging theory purports that a forager opts for behavior that maximizes net benefits compared to other choices. The other feasible options available to the forager constitute the decision or strategy set. The forager must choose an optimal strategy from the set. The theory has been extensively used to study foraging behaviors of animals and human hunters. However, the same can be extended to comprehend day to day eating decisions. Diet breadth model has been used to decipher the optimal...
Werner Herzogs film Wodaabe - Herdsmen of the Sun, documents life with the Wodaabe, a subgroup of the Fulani tribe, known for their pastoral nomadic lifestyle and for their unique cultural celebrations and rituals, the most iconic of which is the Gerewol which highly elaborate displays to showcase the attractiveness of young males to attract prospective mates. Filmed in 1989, the Wodaabe has become one of the most featured African tribe in natural history but remains to be one of the most elusive...

My Personal Statement.

I started out early in life with a great desire to be unique in everything I do. I wanted to be outstanding and really show the world that I have a great potential in me. I worked hard right from the start and was awarded with great results at each stage of my academic and developmental pursuit. At each stage in my pursuit, I have always ranked mostly among the top 10 of my class, graduating in the first divisions right from the Modern School in India (the equivalent of High School) all through...